Social Rights to a Mother

The only thing above respect to Mother, is the worship of God - It is mentioned in:

Ch.17, Verse No.28-29, It says that… ‘God has ordained for you, that you worship none but Him, and to be kind to your parents. And if any one or both of them reach old age do not say a word of contempt or repel them but address them with honour, and speak to them with kindness, and lower your wing of humility and pray to God - ‘My Lord! bless them as they have cherished me in childhood’.

Surah Nisa, Ch. No. 4, Verse No. 1 says, ‘Respect the womb that bore you’.

Surah A’nam, Ch.6, Verse No.151, says that, ‘You have to be kind to your parents’.

Surah Luqman Ch.31, Verse No.14, says that, ‘We have enjoined on the human beings to be kind to his parents. In travail upon travail, did their mother bore them and in years twain was their weaning’.

A similar thing is repeated again in Surah Ahqaf, Ch.46, Verse No.15, that… ‘We have enjoined on the human beings to be kind to his parents. In pain did their mother bore them and in pain did she give them birth’.

Another Hadith related in Sahih Bukhari in Volume 8, Ch. No. 2 Hadith No. 2, as well as in Sahih-Muslim - It says that a man asked the Prophet Muhammad… ‘Who requires the maximum love and respect and my companionship in this world?

The Prophet replied – ‘your mother’
‘Who is next’? – ‘your mother’
‘Who is next?’ – ‘your mother’
The man asked for the fourth time, - ‘Who is next’
The Prophet replied ‘your father’.

So 75% of the love and respect goes to the mother and 25% of the love and respect goes to the father.

Three fourth of the better part of the love and respect goes to the mother – One fourth of the remaining part of the love and respect goes to the father.

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